Four more days to take-off! Tomorrow I can finally start packing (I've been trying to hold off). Today our church had a dear friend, Samson, pray for us during the service. And at least four different sets of people we ran into at WalMart tonight (gotta love small towns) assured us they would be praying for us. That means so much to us as we are heading off into the unknown (both culturally and with Josie). Samson "gave" us the following Bible verse from Deuteronomy 31:8, "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you" and it follows, "He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Just the night before I told Chris I sure hope God is not leading us into a huge challenge; so I needed the reminder. We also discussed that if our plane were to go down (not that we are living in fear of that), we wouldn't be mortified of dying. We know where we are going. But we would have a terrible time thinking of Chloe and Michael growing up with that history. Chris decided this must mean he is a dad-to be concerned not for himself but for his daughters and son. So it is good to know our friends and family are praying for us. We are excited to go and also VERY curious as to who our little daughter is-what she's like, what makes her smile, how overwhelmed she will be, how receptive to us, how soon she can be potty trained (just kidding). Chloe practically beams when you ask her about Josie. Michael usually reminds us we are getting a little brother next.
Also, here is a link a mom sent out who had taken video footage of the Nanjing social welfare institute (orphanage) where Josie lives. Josie is not in the videos, but it shows the play rooms, some of the other children, and even a bowl of food (any guesses?). http://s89.photobuc k239/AmyHeymann/ nanjing%20videos / All of the children have been found by their forever families and are just waiting. If you are interested in finding your own, just let me know and I'll give you CCAI's waiting child contact person. There are lots of 9-12 year olds who are running out of time and there are four boys on our agency's waiting list right now that no family has claimed.